Vacation rentals and charming residences

Destinations that immerse their hosts in a spirit of family, simplicity and friendliness.

Garrigae declines its ambition to offer a new experience, natural refinement.

The Garrigae brand has built its success on a simple but sustainable vision: to offer stylish, authentic and quality properties, with passion and a keen eye for detail.

To offer you the best, Garrigae offers estates and boutique hotels to celebrate the art of living and the quest for well-being in harmony with nature.

New generation of high-end destinations

Garrigae establishments meet a new need: more real, simpler, more natural while sharing the local heritage. Our Slow Life-centric resorts invite you to be “at home” …
  •              +              Well being              Well being             

    Rest body and soul, escape into nature to recharge your batteries                 in a spirit of well-being and renewal through specific activities and food                 healthy

  •              +              Art of living              Art of living             

    Live simple things, outside the usual codes. Treat yourself to the luxury of                 true things; delicious moments of escape, reunion between accomplices.

  •              +              Authenticity              Authenticity             

    Share, savor a disappearing heritage together, through                 of a collection of unique charm destinations

  •              +              Family & friendliness              Family & friendliness             

    Accompany each in a discovery of the world, transmit the                 family, moral and universal values. Bequeath / Anchor a philosophy of life


Garrigae embodies

– A gift of well-being
– Do yourself good, Encore et Encore
– Good at home / Feel at home & Belonging
– The family spirit is also the idea of the collection (Garrigae collection, Join the club)
– Return to the sources

La Slow Life

Slow life, a true philosophy of life which consists in living well anchored in the present, is based on the fundamental values of authenticity, respect, love, sharing, nature.

Slow life in a few principles:

– Slow down the pace,
– Reconnect with simplicity,
– Take time for yourself (listen to your body, get to know yourself better),
– Give time to others (enjoy with family, create social ties, participate in the life of your community and others),
– To (re) connect with nature (put your hands in the ground, integrate eco-responsible gestures, do activities in nature and others),
– Awaken your senses,
– Develop your creativity,
– Savor the present.

Garrigae Collection

A collection of places of character where charm and nature enhance the pleasure of being together simply. Exceptional / original places and activities to make young and old happy.