CGU of the site

The site offers its user, free access to the Internet, access to the information available at the time of connection. These general and specific conditions apply to contracts for the sale of products and services provided by Noemys Voyages.

These general and specific conditions of sale take precedence over any other previous conditions or over any general conditions of purchase. The pre-contractual information is presented in French; they will be the subject of a confirmation containing this information at the time of the online purchasing procedure Noemys Voyages reserves the right to cancel any order from a customer with whom there is a payment dispute without the latter can claim any compensation whatsoever.

The validation by the customer of his order implies acceptance, on the one hand, of these general and specific conditions, fully and without reservation, and, on the other hand, the description of the places rented and all the services made available (against payment) by Noemys Voyages for the chosen destination, the customer being assumed to have read it on the website or by any other means available to it. The data recorded by Noemys Voyages on the site constitutes proof of all transactions between Noemys Voyages and its customers.

The data recorded by the payment system constitutes proof of financial transactions.

PLEASE NOTE: the site has received the greatest attention. However, some hardware or other errors may appear. In addition, we draw your attention to the fact that the photos presented on our brochures or on our website are in no way contractual and cannot oblige or engage our responsibility. They should be considered as mere illustrations.

These General Conditions of Sale (C.G.V.) apply to the services provided by the hotel referred to in the reservation contract. These C.G.V. are sent to the Customer at the same time as the reservation voucher, to enable him to make his reservation.
Any reservation therefore implies on the part of the Client full and unreserved acceptance of these conditions.

Article 1: The parties

The service provider: Noemys Voyages with a capital of € 10,000 located at 380, avenue Archimède, Parc Cézanne 1, Batiment D, CS 60490,  13592 Aix-en-Provence Cédex 3 – France, registered in the Aix en Provence Trade and Companies Register under the number 534 152 681, Registered in the register of travel operators IM075110282


The client: The client is any natural or legal person who has signed a reservation contract who benefits from the service.

The establishment: The place where the accommodation is provided is called the establishment, Noemys Voyages acts on behalf of its establishments.

Article 2: The reservation

* Reservations must be made in writing (mail, fax or email) directly with the hotel, the reservation center on 0825 95 02 02 (0.15 € incl.VAT / min) or on the website
The payment conditions will depend on the formula chosen when booking. A pre-authorization by credit card will be requested at the time of booking by the hotel.

Article 3: The prices

Article 3-1: prices

The prices offered by the service provider are those mentioned in the reservation contract.
They are expressed in accommodation capacity. The client undertakes to respect the capacity of the accommodation reserved.
Any shortened stay or unused service will not be subject to a refund. Additional services resulting from a voluntary or involuntary extension of the stay, for any reason whatsoever, including due to the occurrence of a case of force majeure will be charged to the Customer. Extensions of stays will be billed per day based on the rate applicable to the stay.
The prices do not include personal expenses and additional services, which in any event remain the responsibility of the Customer (s).

Article 3-2: the tourist tax

The tourist tax is not included in the rates. It must be paid at the establishment when the keys are handed over.

Article 4: Modification and cancellation of reservation

Article 4-1: modification or cancellation by the Customer

Any request for an increase in the length of stay or an extension of the stay or an upward modification may only be accepted subject to availability.

It is expressly indicated that any request for modification relating to the dates of stay or the hotel of destination constitutes both a request for cancellation subject to the conditions set out below and a new request for reservation.

Article 4-2: modification or cancellation by the Provider:

When, before the start of the service, compliance with one of the essential elements of the contract is made impossible, the service provider will notify, by any means, the client. The latter will then have the option of terminating the contract or accepting the proposed modification. The Customer must then inform the service provider of his choice within 48 hours of receipt of the information. In the event that the Customer decides to terminate the contract, the Service Provider undertakes to reimburse him the full amount paid, excluding any request for payment of damages.

Article 4-3: modification or cancellation of the services annexed to the contract:

As an exception, any equipment closed due to technical needs (repair, maintenance, etc.) will not cause the Service Provider to provide a replacement service and may not give rise to the payment of damages.

Article 5: Settlement of the case

Payment for your reservation can be made by CB, on the site or with the hotel for distance selling, payment by bank check is not authorized.

Article 6: Provision of rooms

The Service Provider undertakes to make the rooms available to Customers on the days and times indicated on the stay voucher. The customer undertakes to notify the establishment directly in the event of delay; otherwise, the room will be put up for sale. The client undertakes to vacate the room within the time limit fixed by the establishment.

Article 7: Liability

The Customer is solely responsible for any material and / or bodily damage.
It will bear only the costs of repair, replacement and other damages linked in particular to a loss of turnover during the downtime and work.
The Customer undertakes to comply with all the rules and regulations of the establishment (in particular the rules of safety, hygiene and the ban on smoking in premises for collective use).

Article 8: Animals

Pets are only accepted in certain establishments, at an additional cost. Their presence requires that they be kept on a leash in the common areas.
The staff of the establishment reserves the right to refuse animals deemed dangerous, aggressive or harmful to the clientele (smell, noise, etc.) within the limit of one animal per room.

Article 9: Insurance

The hotel declares that it has a professional civil liability guarantee taken out with an insurance company for its services exclusively.

Article 10: Complaints

As part of our quality commitment, complaints that arise during the execution of the contract must be reported as soon as possible to the establishment manager at the place of stay and before departure so that a solution can be sought as soon as possible, and will be the subject of a written protocol document. Only complaints that have been declared but not resolved on the spot may be the subject of a written complaint, accompanied by all the original supporting documents, sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt and within 30 days after the end of the stay at:

Noemys Group – Customer Service-
380, avenue Archimède, Parc Cézanne 1, Batiment D, CS 60490,  13592 Aix-en-Provence Cédex 3 – France

Any complaint made out of time or not respecting the conditions of forms mentioned above will automatically and automatically entail the loss of the right to make any complaint.

Article 11: Force majeure

The obligations contained herein will not apply or will be suspended if their execution has become impossible due to force majeure.
Each party must then inform the other as soon as possible in the event of such an event preventing it from performing all or part of its contractual obligations.
The parties must make every effort to prevent or reduce the effects of a breach of the contract caused by the event of force majeure; the party wishing to invoke such an event must immediately notify the other party of the beginning and the end of the event, without which it cannot be relieved of its responsibility.

Article 12: Disputes

In case of litigation only French law is applicable.
All disputes to which this contract may give rise, concerning both its validity, its interpretation, its execution, its termination, their consequences or their direct or indirect consequences, will be submitted to the Court of Aix en Provence.

Noemys Voyages is a brand of the Noemys Group.
Groupe Noemys : 380, avenue Archimède, Parc Cézanne 1, Batiment D, CS 60490,  13592 Aix-en-Provence Cédex 3 – France

Tel – Fax

SAS with capital of € 100,000 – RCS Paris 522 380 245 – Noemys Group operates the Noemys and Garrigae brands /

European Online Dispute Resolution Platform: :

Individuals whose personal data is being processed have the right to object to telephone solicitation by registering on the BLOCTEL list via the following website:

After contacting customer service and in the absence of a satisfactory response within a period of 1 month, the customer may contact the Tourism and Travel Ombudsman, whose contact details and filing procedures are available on its website:

Tourism and Travel Mediation – P.O. Box 80 303 75 823 Paris Cedex 17 – Website:

Article 13: Telemarketing – BLOCTEL Information

The consumer who does not wish to be the subject of commercial prospecting by telephone can freely register on a list to oppose telemarketing.

For more information: BLOCTEL